A free-to-use online platform, help citizens to organize and manage their own community energy schemes


An advanced analytics platform combining energy, satellite, aerial, social and economic data into targeted insights and provide free of charge service to community groups and city councils.

  • Disruption in smart cities
  • The Online platform manages energy bills, energy schemes, etc.
  • Improvement in demand forecasting"

Dark Mode

One of the world's first website to run on Dark Mode by default.

Brightness Control

Adjust the brightness as suited.

Hibernate Mode

Save energy when you're not looking at your screen.

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The Eco Engine

Reduce your carbon footprint using any of these modes.
  • Dark Mode
    One of the world's first website to run on Dark Mode by default.
  • Brightness Control
    Adjust the brightness as suited.
  • Hibernate Mode
    Save energy when you're not looking at your screen.